LETR Hall of Fame Nomination
Nominations for the Nebraska LETR Hall of Fame award may be submitted by an individual, law enforcement agency or a Special Olympics program. There may be one or more inductees per year, the decision as to the number of inductees and the selection is determined by the LETR Executive Council. The award(s) will be presented at Opening Ceremonies of the Special Olympics Nebraska Summer Games in May in Omaha.
Criteria for the Hall of Fame Award
The nominee’s involvement must demonstrate a sustained and significant contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Law Enforcement Torch Run. The minimum requirements for this award are at least 5 years of participation with the LETR, achievement in program development, organization and fundraising success. The nominee must be a member of law enforcement (sworn or civilian).
Annual Nomination Deadline: March 31st
To nominate an outstanding individual for the Special Olympics Nebraska LETR Hall of Fame award, submit the form below.