
It is well documented that people with intellectual disabilities are less active than the general population. This is not due to their disability, but to the lack of access to fitness education and opportunities that fit their needs. At Special Olympics Nebraska, our mission is to provide sports opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities. In order for our athletes to truly perform at their best, they must be fit and healthy. The reality is that many of our athletes only practice their sport once a week, and competition seasons are only about three months long. This leaves a large gap throughout the year where athletes live sedentary lifestyles, putting them at risk for obesity, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Special Olympics Nebraska has wellness initiatives throughout the year to encourage our athletes, coaches, and unified partners to get fit together.

Classes that pair athletes with peer models. These programs are offered a local high schools and universities. The workout partners encourage each other to be accountable and follow a regular workout routine. Other examples of inclusive fitness are walking/running clubs as well as programs at local fitness gyms.

Healthy Communities is a model ensuring year-round access to health care and prevention programming. Special Olympics Nebraska received this recognition for efforts in creating access to quality health care for people with intellectual disabilities. Through partnerships, fitness and wellness programs, and athlete leadership, we are paving the way for inclusive health.